Visual Basic .NET Tutorial 34 - How to Create and Write to a Text File i...

Dim file As System.IO.StreamWriter
file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter("TEST.txt", True)
file.WriteLine("this is my youtube tutorial")
file.WriteLine("this is my youtube tutorial")
file.WriteLine("this is my youtube tutorial")
file.WriteLine("this is my youtube tutorial")
file.WriteLine("this is my youtube tutorial")

How to Write Text to a File
How to Write to a Text File in VB .NET
Create, Read, Write, Copy, Move and Delete a Text File . - Write mutiple lines to a text file using Visual Basic - Create a text file and write to it
.net - create and write to a text file in
How to write in text file in 
text files - Creating/editing textfile through VB.NET
Create New Line When Writing To A Txt File
Multiple Text Boxes - Write To Txt File On Same Line 
Create And Write To File Problem
Writing To TXT File.
