C++ program to find ASCII Code for Characters and numbers

C++ Program Write a Program to Enter Char or Number and Check its ASCII Code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
char ascii;
int numeric;
cout << "Give character: ";
cin >> ascii;
cout << "Its ascii value is: " << (int) ascii << endl;
cout << "Give a number to convert to ascii: ";
cin >> numeric;
cout << "The ascii value of " << numeric << " is " << (char) numeric;
return 0;

Give character: d
Its ascii value is: 100
Give a number to convert to ascii: 25
The ascii value of 25 is






How to find ASCII value of character in c
ASCII code and character variables - C++ Tutorial
Getting ASCII Code in C++ - C++
ASCII in the console...‎
a little help please‎
converting char to ascii code‎
ASCII Character code advancement, in a c‎++
c++ - printing ASCII codes of characters stored
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