How to connect two Client IP to the same mongodb using c++ Drivers

I am trying to make a client with mongo c++ drivers to connect to the database. I successfully tested the client for the localhost.The code I used for that is below.

Now I want to have the database and clients on different machines for example client on IP and the mongodb on IP

I changes should I make in the code to achieve that. I tried to change the line

    c.connect("localhost"); //"");


     c.connect(""); //"");

But that does not work
The error says "caught can't connect to server " I tried to ping the IP and it give me the response also .

   #include <iostream>
    #include "mongo/client/dbclient.h"

// g++ src/mongo/client/examples/tutorial.cpp -pthread -Isrc -Isrc/mongo
 -lmongoclient -lboost_thread-mt -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -L[path to
 libmongoclient.a] -o tutorial
//g++ tutorial.cpp -L[mongo directory] -L/opt/local/lib -lmongoclient 
-lboost_thread-mt -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system -I/opt/local/include 
 -o tutorial

using namespace mongo;

void printIfAge(DBClientConnection& c, int age) {
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = c.query("tutorial.persons", QUERY( "age" << age ).sort("name") );
while( cursor->more() ) {
BSONObj p = cursor->next();
cout << p.getStringField("name") << endl;

void run() {
DBClientConnection c;
c.connect("localhost"); //"");
cout << "connected ok" << endl;
BSONObj p = BSON( "name" << "Joe" << "age" << 33 );
c.insert("tutorial.persons", p);
p = BSON( "name" << "Jane" << "age" << 40 );
c.insert("tutorial.persons", p);
p = BSON( "name" << "Abe" << "age" << 33 );
c.insert("tutorial.persons", p);
p = BSON( "name" << "Methuselah" << "age" << BSONNULL);
c.insert("tutorial.persons", p);
p = BSON( "name" << "Samantha" << "age" << 21 << "city" << "Los Angeles" << "state" << "CA" );
c.insert("tutorial.persons", p);

c.ensureIndex("tutorial.persons", fromjson("{age:1}"));

cout << "count:" << c.count("tutorial.persons") << endl;

auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = c.query("tutorial.persons", BSONObj());
while( cursor->more() ) {
cout << cursor->next().toString() << endl;

cout << "\nprintifage:\n";
printIfAge(c, 33);

int main() {
try {
catch( DBException &e ) {
cout << "caught " << e.what() << endl;
return 0;

I found the Answer of the above question

Earlier the mongod was running on the defined port and path on the Mongodb server side

So I stoped the Mongodb by following command

$ sudo stop mongodb

and once again started the server with the default defined path by the following command

$ sudo mongod --dbpath /data/db --port 27017

and then tried the above code in c++ and this time it connected to the remote server.
