Write the C++ program for processing of the students structure

Exercise 6) Structure
Write the C++ program for processing of the students structure. Define the array of a structure called students including following fields:
 “First name”
 “Family Name”
 “Matriculation Number”
You should first get the number of students from input and ask user to initialize the fields of the structure for the entered amount of students. Then delete the students with the same “Matriculation Number” and sort the list based on “Family Name” and print the final result in the screen.


// an array structure of student information
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct student

string name; // student name, max 49 characters
string familyname; // student famila name

int Matriculationnr; // student Matriculation number


int main()

// declaring array of 10 element of structure type
// and some of the element also are arrays
struct student stud[10];
struct student familyname;
struct student name;
//-------defining variables and initializing them-------------
int i = 0,n,j,k,temp2=0,temp4,temp5;
string t,temp,temp1;
bool doMore;
//--------Printing my name on screen----------------
cout<<" Welcome to the program 2.2 written by Your Name"<<endl;
//----receiving the variables from input--------------
cout<<"Enter student data\n";
cout<<"Please enter number of student=";
while(!(cin>>n)) //Reciving vaiables from input : is it no/character ?
cout << "Please enter a number! Try again: ";
cin.clear ();
cin.ignore (1000, '\n'); // Skip to next newline or 1000 chars,
// whichever comes first.
// cin>>n ;

for(i=0; i<n; i++)
// storing the data

cout<<"First name :";

cout<<"Familyname : ";


cout<<"Matriculationnr : ";
while(!(cin>>stud[i].Matriculationnr)) //Reciving vaiables from input : is it no/character ?
cout << "Please enter a number! Try again: ";
cin.clear ();
cin.ignore (1000, '\n'); // Skip to next newline or 1000 chars,
// whichever comes first.
// cin>>stud[i].Matriculationnr;

cout<<"\n--------------Display the data--------------------\n";
cout<<" Sorted list based on Family Name\n";


do {
doMore = false; // assume this is last pass over array
for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++) {
if (stud[i].familyname> stud[i+1].familyname) {
// exchange elements
temp = stud[i].familyname;stud[i].familyname = stud[i+1].familyname; stud[i+1].familyname = temp;
temp1 = stud[i].name;stud[i].name = stud[i+1].name; stud[i+1].name = temp1;
temp2 = stud[i].Matriculationnr ;stud[i].Matriculationnr = stud[i+1].Matriculationnr ; stud[i+1].Matriculationnr = temp2;

doMore = true; // after exchange, must look again
} while (doMore);

for (int j=0;j<n;j++)
cout<<j<<" :";
cout<<"First name :"<<stud[j].name<< " ";

cout<<"Familyname : "<< stud[j].familyname<< " ";

cout<<"Matriculationnr : "<<stud[j].Matriculationnr<< " ";


cout<<"\n-------------------------Display the data---------------------------\n";
cout<<"Final result after students with the same Matriculation Number deleated\n";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
bool matching = false;
for (int j = 0; (j < i) && (matching == false); j++)
if (stud[i].Matriculationnr == stud[j].Matriculationnr)
matching = true;
if (!matching){
cout<<i<<" :";
cout<<"First name :"<<stud[i].name<<" ";

cout<<"Familyname : "<< stud[i].familyname<<" ";

cout<<"Matriculationnr : "<<stud[i].Matriculationnr<<" " ;


return 0;




