Visual Basic .NET Tutorial 33 - Search and highlight text in Textbox or ...

  Dim index As Integer = 0
Dim temp As String = RichTextBox1.Text
RichTextBox1.Text = ""
RichTextBox1.Text = temp

While index < RichTextBox1.Text.LastIndexOf(TextBox1.Text)
RichTextBox1.Find(TextBox1.Text, index, RichTextBox1.TextLength, RichTextBoxFinds.None)
RichTextBox1.SelectionBackColor = Color.Red
index = RichTextBox1.Text.IndexOf(TextBox1.Text, index) + 1

End While


How to highlight occurrences of a search term in text in Visual Studio

Highlight Find Results

Highlight all occurrences of selected word - Visual Studio  visual basic

 Highlighting Text VB.Net

Find and Highlight Macro in Microsoft Word

 Visual Studio word highlighting How do I make all occurrences of a phrase (search term) in a file to be highlighted in the VS .... Highlight all occurrences of selected word ... How to highlight occurrences of a search term in text in Visual Studio editor for VB.NET
