Keyboard Shortcuts - NetBeans
- Alt + Shift + F for auto format
- Ctrl + K for previously used matching word
- Ctrl + arrowkeys for scroll without caret position change
- Ctrl + P for function parameters tooltip. Applicable inside a function call's paranthesis
- Ctrl + Shift + Right/Left Arrow to select words based on camel casing
- Ctrl + Shift + (UP/DOWN ) duplicate line up/down
- Ctrl + E deletes the current line (very useful)
- Ctrl + F9 Evaluate expression (Very useful while debugging - apart from the value of variables displayed on hover)
- Alt + Shift + O Goto file
- Ctrl + Space (after a class name) for auto-suggested variable names
- Ctrl + F4 Close Editor Window
- Alt + F7 Find Usages
- Ctrl + / Toggle Comment
- Shift + Ctrl + I Fix all Imports (Very convenient)
- Ctrl + Del and Ctrl + BackSpace Delete next/previous word
Keyboard Shortcuts not specified in shortcuts.pdf (ALT+hALT+k) as of NetBeans v7.0.1:
Diff view: next diff: CTRL + . previous diff: CTRL + , apply diff left to right: wish I knew, seems not to exist apply diff right to left: ditto Create shortcut for custom ant target: Go to Files tab: CTRL + 2 Navigate to ant file: Arrow keys Go to Navigator window: CTRL + 7 Navigate to ant target: Arrow keys Open context MENU Create Shortcut... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each window has its own shortcut:
Ctrl+0 Switches to the Editor Ctrl+1 Focuses on the Projects Window Ctrl+2 Focuses on the Files Window Ctrl+3 Focuses on the Favorites Window Ctrl+7 Focuses on the Navigator Window Alt+Shift+O Opens the Open Type window where you just have to type the first characters of the class you are looking for Ctrl+Shift+Down Duplicates the current line Ctrl+R Renames the current variable/class/method
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