C++ code to get sum of all odd numbers in given range

Sum of ODD Numbers in the Given Range

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){

int number;
int min,max;
long sum =0;

cout << "Enter the minimum range: ";
cin >> min;

cout << "Enter the maximum range: ";
cin >> max;

for(number = min;number <= max; number++)
if(number % 2 !=0)
sum = sum + number;

cout << "Sum of odd numbers in given range is: " << sum;

return 0;

Enter the minimum range: 25
Enter the maximum range: 30
Sum of odd numbers in given range is: 81





Sum of ODD Numbers in the Given Range
write a program to calculate sum of all odd numbers
Program that prints odd numbers, even numbers and the numbers
Program to find out the sum of odd and even numbers between
