How do I create a backup image of an SD card Ubuntu Linux

How to make a image of a SD card ubuntu Linux

Insert the SD card/USB stick in your computer
Now give the following command to find out the SD card in your system
# df –h

you will get a response like /dev/XXXXX  e.g  /dev/sdb1

Step 2
We must unmunt the Device whose image we want to make .So give the following command to unmount the device
# umount /dev/XXXXX 

Now we are ready to make the image
give the following command to make the image called sdimage.img in you designated folder.
# sudo dd if=/deve/XXX of=~/sdimage.img 
The image can take few minutes(10 to 20 min.) to be fully ready .So wait for some time and don't worry if you don't see any response for some time.

Now your image of SD card is ready.

If you want to transfer the image you have to another SD card follow the commands below
1.) change SD CARD !!!!!
2.) # umount /dev/XXXXX
3.) # sudo dd if=~/sdimage.img of= /deve/XXX 

 image to SD card from Ubuntu
SD card clone using dd command
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